
Crowborough Common - The Official Site

Crowborough Common
The Official Site

Woodland Management of Crowborough Common


Old photographs of the Common and the Golf Course show a heathland devoid of many of the trees now existing, in the manner of what was a traditional heathland habitat. Many of the trees that now exist have grown from the late 1930’s. Indeed the Observation Post on the 18th golf hole would have been erected there to give an uninterrupted view of the Sussex countryside down to Eastbourne and the Coast. The 1987 Hurricane brought down many trees in the Estate necessitating a huge clear up by the Clubs Groundsmen.

Managing Woodland on 222 acres could in itself be a full time occupation and, if the wood was considered suitable, a source of income. The Woodland that now exists forms boundaries for the various golf holes and an overall boundary to the Common. Various Management programmes have taken place with guidance from the Forestry Commission and Natural England and these have included a planting exercise along the main A26 roadside to strengthen the cover. However the woodland upkeep inevitably plays second fiddle to the Golf Course.

An arboriculturalist commented a few years ago that much of the woodland is of low quality being typical of semi-natural secondary woodland that has received little management. Some of the woodland is subject to a Tree Preservation Order.

The Golf Course is bounded by the A26 with two roads across the Common and thus the management of trees overhanging these thoroughfares is an ongoing maintenance usually dealt with by our Ground staff but often requiring outside Contractors. The Club will continue its policy of removing dangerous or diseased trees working with the local Council to gain the necessary permissions where appropriate. All of this work comes out of the Golf Clubs budget.

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