
Crowborough Common - The Official Site

Crowborough Common
The Official Site


This is the official website for Crowborough Common brought to you by the owner, Crowborough Beacon Golf Club Limited (CBGC). The Golf Club has been the legal landowner since the purchase of the Common in 1906 from the De La Warr estate. For over a century the Golf Club has alone borne the full responsibility for the upkeep, maintenance, restoration and stewardship of some 222 acres of heathland on which the 18 hole Golf Course stands.


During that time the Golf Club has worked closely with Government and Conservation bodies such as the Forestry Commission, Natural England, High Weald ANOB and Wealden Heathland Initiative taking specialist advice when necessary. The Club has been helped by the Sports Turf Institute and English Woodlands receiving grants via the Rural Payments Agency.


The Board of Directors and its staff remain committed to the maintenance of its Estate and Golf Course which is considered one of the best in the Country often coming within the top 100 English courses. The whole estate forms part of the neighbouring 8500 acres of Ashdown Forest.


In navigating the pages of this website you will be able to read about the history of the Ownership, the changes made and the trials and tribulations of maintaining not only a golf course but also the rare heathland habitat. The two go hand in hand and compliment the magnificent views that can be had over this area of natural outstanding beauty of Sussex.


Please enjoy the website.



Updated 15.02.2021.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.
CONGU® is Copyright 2025 Council of National Golf Unions.